Apply for Federal Disaster Assistance is one of the best federal agency web site.  See below details of the web site and how it can help you to apply for federal dissaster assistance.  As per web site: provides information on how you might be able to get help from the U.S. Government before, during and after a disaster. If the President of the United States makes help available to individuals in your community after a disaster, you can visit this site to apply online.

Learn what help you might be able to apply for from 17 government agencies in Spanish and English
Reduce the number of forms you have to fill out
Shorten the time it takes to apply for aid
Check the progress of your applications online
Continue to receive benefits from government programs even if you have to leave your home

Apply for help from FEMA online
Learn about Small Business Administration loans using an online application
Have your Social Security benefits sent to a new address
Find federal disaster recovery centers near your current address
Search a list of housing available for rent
Get information about your federal student loan
Get help from the Department of State if you are affected by a disaster while living or traveling outside the U.S. also provides news, information and resources to prepare for disasters, help keep your family safe during an emergency, and to recover afterwards.

Get the latest information on declared disasters, wild fires, hurricanes and earthquakes.
Find information about emergency services such as evacuating, locating loved ones, clean water, food, shelter and medical attention.
Recover and rebuild the areas of your life that were impacted by the disaster, such as your home and job or business.
Locate resources in your community that can help you move forward.